Heavy drinking and health module
Experiences of heavy drinking and serious health issues is informed by the sociology of alcohol consumption and heavy drinking. In conducting the research and designing the module, the team drew on research that explored heavy drinking within its social context. Useful publications were:
Burrows, R., & Nettleton, S. (1995). Going against the grain: smoking and ‘heavy’ drinking amongst the British middle classes. Sociology of Health & Illness, 17(5), 668-680.
Fraser, S., Moore, D., & Keane, H. (2014). Habits: Remaking addiction. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.
Hart, A. (2016). Good sports, drinking cultures and hegemonic masculinities in a community sporting club case study. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 23(4), 302-311.
Hill, J. V., & Leeming, D. (2014). Reconstructing ‘the alcoholic’: Recovering from alcohol addiction and the stigma this entails. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 12(6), 759-771.
Holloway, S., Valentine, G., & Jayne, M. (2009). Masculinities, femininities and the geographies of public and private drinking landscapes. Geoforum, 40, 821 – 831.
Järvinen, M. (2001). Accounting for trouble: Identity negotiations in qualitative interviews with alcoholics. Symbolic Interaction, 24(3), 263-284.
Järvinen, M. (2012). A will to health? Drinking, risk and social class. Health, Risk & Society, 14(3), 241-256.
Jayne, M., Valentine, G., & Holloway, S. L. (2008). The place of drink: Geographical contributions to alcohol studies. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 15(3), 219-232.
Keane, H. (2002). What’s wrong with addiction? Carlton South, Australia: Melbourne University Press.
Kitchin, H. A. (2002). Alcoholics Anonymous discourse and members’ resistance in a virtual community: exploring tensions between theory and practice. Contemporary Drug Problems, 29(4), 749-778.
Lyons, A. C., Emslie, C., & Hunt, K. (2014). Staying ‘in the zone’ but not passing the ‘point of no return’: Embodiment, gender and drinking in mid‐life. Sociology of Health & Illness, 36(2), 264-277.
Manton, E., Pennay, A., & Savic, M. (2014). Public drinking, social connection and social capital: A qualitative study. Addiction Research & Theory, 22(3), 218-228.
Neale, J., Parkman, T., Day, E., & Drummond, C. (2017). Socio-demographic characteristics and stereotyping of people who frequently attend accident and emergency departments for alcohol-related reasons: qualitative study. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 24(1), 67-74.
Peralta, R. L., & Jauk, D. (2011). A brief feminist review and critique of the sociology of alcohol‐use and substance‐abuse treatment approaches. Sociology Compass, 5(10), 882-897.
Rolfe, A., Orford, J., & Dalton, S. (2009). Women, alcohol and femininity: a discourse analysis of women heavy drinkers’ accounts. Journal of Health Psychology, 14(2), 326-335.
Valverde, M. (1997). ‘Slavery from within’: The invention of alcoholism and the question of free will. Social History, 22(3), 251-268.
Wilton, R., & DeVerteuil, G. (2006). Spaces of sobriety/sites of power: Examining social model alcohol recovery programs as therapeutic landscapes. Social Science & Medicine, 63(3), 649-661.