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Further reading on drugs & addiction in society

Lives of Substance is informed by the sociology of addiction. In conducting the research and designing the website, the team drew on a range of key works, including:

Andersen, D. (2015) Stories of change in drug treatment: A narrative analysis of ‘whats’ and ‘hows’ in institutional storytelling. Sociology of Health and Illness 37(5): 668–682.

Berridge V. (2013) Demons: Our Changing Attitudes to Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Brodie, J.F. & Redfield, M. (eds) (2002) High Anxieties: Cultural Studies in Addiction. Oakland, CA: University of California Press.

Campbell, N. (2007) Discovering Addiction: The Science and Politics of Substance Abuse Research. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.

Campbell, N. (2010) Towards a critical neuroscience of addiction. BioSocieties 5(1): 89–104.

Carr, E.S. (2012) Scripting Addiction: The Politics of Therapeutic Talk and American Sobriety. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Dwyer, R. & Fraser, S. (2016) Making addictions in standardised screening and diagnostic tools. Health Sociology Review, early online: 117.

Fraser, S. & Moore, D. (eds.) (2011). The Drug Effect: Health, Crime and Society. Melbourne: Cambridge University Press.

Fraser, S., Moore, D. & Keane, H. (2014) Habits: Remaking Addiction. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Fraser, S. & valentine, K. (2008) Substance and Substitution: Methadone Subjects in Liberal Societies. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Gomart, E. (2002) Surprised by methadone: In praise of drug substitution treatment in a French clinic. Body & Society 10(2–3): 85–110.

Granfield R. & Reinarman, C. (eds) (2014) Expanding Addiction: Critical Essays. London/New York: Routledge.

Hellman, M.,Berridge,V., Duke, K. &Mold, A. (eds) (2016) Concepts of Addictive Substances and Behaviours across Time and Place. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Karasaki, M., Fraser, S., Moore, D. & Dietze, P. (2013) The place of volition in addiction: Differing approaches and their implications for policy and service provision. Drug and Alcohol Review 32(2): 195–204.

Keane, H. (2001) Public and private practices: addiction autobiography and its contradictions. Contemporary Drug Problems 28(4): 567–595.

Keane, H. (2002) What’s Wrong with Addiction? Melbourne: Melbourne University Press.

Keane, H. (2012) Editorial: Diagnosing drug problems and the DSM. Contemporary Drug Problems 39: 353–370.

Keane, H. (2013) Categorising methadone: Addiction and analgesia. International Journal of Drug Policy 24(6): 18 –24.

Keane, H., Moore, D. & Fraser, S. (2011) Addiction and dependence: Making realities in the DSM. Addiction 106(5): 875–877.

Levine, H.G. (1978). The discovery of addiction: Changing conceptions of habitual drunkenness in America. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 39(1): 143–74.

Lindesmith, A. (1938). A Sociological Theory of Drug Addiction. American Journal of Sociology 43(4): 593–613.

Lyons, T. (2014) Simultaneously treatable and punishable: Implications of the production of addicted subjects in a drug treatment court. Addiction Research & Theory 22(4): 286–293.

Moore, D. & Fraser, S. (2013) Producing the ‘problem’ of addiction in drug treatment. Qualitative Health Research 23(7): 916–923.

Netherland, J. (ed.) (2012) Critical Perspectives on Addiction. Bingley: Emerald.

Nielsen, B. & Houborg, E. (2015) Addiction, drugs and experimentation: Methadone maintenance treatment between ‘in here’ and ‘out there’. Contemporary Drug Problems 42(4): 274–288.

O’Malley, P. & Valverde, M. (2004) Pleasure, freedom and drugs: The uses of ‘pleasure’ in liberal governance of drug and alcohol consumption. Sociology 38(1): 25–42.

Pienaar, K., Fraser, S., Kokanovic, R., Moore, D., Treloar, C. & Dunlop, A. (2015) New narratives, new selves: Complicating addiction in online alcohol and other drug resources. Addiction Research & Theory 23(6): 499–509.

Pienaar, K., Moore, D., Fraser, S., Kokanovic, R., Treloar, C. & Dilkes-Frayne, E. (2016) Diffracting addicting binaries: An analysis of personal accounts of alcohol and other drug ‘addiction’. Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine (Published online ahead of print).

Raikhel, E. (2015) From the brain disease model to ecologies of addiction. In Kirmayer, L., Lamelson, R. & Cummings, C. (Eds) Revisioning Psychiatry: Cultural Phenomenology, Critical Neuroscience and Global Mental Health. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 375–399.

Raikhel, E. & Garrett, W. (eds) (2013) Addiction Trajectories. Durham: Duke University Press.

Reinarman, C. (2005) Addiction as accomplishment: The discursive construction of disease. Addiction Research & Theory 13(4): 307–320.

Reith, G. (2004). Consumption and its discontents: Addiction, identity and the problems of freedom. British Journal of Sociology 55(2): 283–300.

Room, R. (2003) The cultural framing of addiction. Janus Head 6(2): 221–234.

Room, R., Hellman, M., & Stenius, K. (2014) Addiction: The dance between concept and terms. The International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research 4(1): 27–35.

Seddon, T. (2010)A History of Drugs: Drugs and Freedom in the Liberal Age. Abingdon: Taylor and Francis.

Sedgwick, E. (1993) Epidemics of the will. In Sedgwick, E. (ed.) Tendencies. London: Routledge, pp. 129–140.

Seear, K. & Fraser, S. (2014) Beyond criminal law: The multiple constitution of addiction in Australian legislation. Addiction Research & Theory 22(5): 438–450.

Seear, K. & Fraser, S. (2014) The addict as victim: Producing the ‘problem’ of addiction in Australian victims of crime compensation. International Journal of Drug Policy 25(5): 826–835.

Szott, K. (2014). Contingencies of the will: Uses of harm reduction and the disease model of addiction among health care practitioners. Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health and Illness 19(5): 507–22.

Valverde, M. (1998) Diseases of the Will: Alcohol and the Dilemmas of Freedom. Cambridge/ Melbourne/New York: Cambridge University Press.

Valverde, M. (2002). Experience and truthtelling: Intoxicated autobiography and ethical subjectivity. Outlines 1: 3–18.

Vrecko, S. (2010a) Birth of a brain disease: science, the state and addiction neuropolitics. History of the Human Sciences 23(4): 52–67.

Vrecko, S. (2010b) ‘Civilizing technologies’ and the control of deviance. Biosocieties 5(1): 36–51.

Weinberg, D. (2000) ‘Out there’: The ecology of addiction in drug abuse treatment discourse. Social Problems 47(4): 606–621.

Weinberg, D. (2002) On the embodiment of addiction. Body & Society 8(4): 1–19.

Weinberg, D. (2011) Sociological perspectives on addiction. Sociology Compass 5(4): 298–310.

Weinberg, D. (2013) Post-humanism, addiction and the loss of self-control: Reflections on the missing core in addiction science. International Journal of Drug Policy 24: 173–181.

Zinberg, N. (1986). Drug, set and setting. New Haven: Yale University Press