Advice & messages for consumers, family & friends
NOTE: Quotes are presented word for word apart from minor editing for readability and clarity. Identifying details have been removed. Square brackets show text that has been added, e.g. ‘I want to maintain [my current level of drug use]’. Ellipses within square brackets […] show where text has been removed, e.g. ‘Counselling was good but […] I would have liked more information about other treatment options’.
The people whose stories are presented on this website are keen to share what they’ve learnt through their experiences of regular alcohol and other drug consumption. Some offer general advice, including suggestions about treatment, changing consumption practices and minimising the risks they see as related to consumption. Those with experiences of treatment reflect on what they wish they’d known before starting. Others have messages for health professionals and policymakers (see also Advice & messages for health professionals & policymakers). They make suggestions for improving treatment and harm reduction services such as ensuring wider access to services, improving drug education and addressing the stigma surrounding drug use.
Seeking support & information
A common piece of advice our participants give to people concerned about their own or someone else’s drug use is to seek support and information from family members, friends or health professionals. As Callum (M, 36, studying, cannabis) notes, ‘Support and the right information is critical’.
Melanie (F, 26, primary carer for her children, ice) encourages people experiencing issues with alcohol and other drugs to seek help and not give up if they initially struggle to access support. (Played by an actor)
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