26 Sep Ice – Tiffany
Tiffany started taking ice in her early twenties to lose weight. After a while her consumption increased to every other day. At the time she was working full-time, caring for her children and experiencing domestic violence. ...
Tiffany started taking ice in her early twenties to lose weight. After a while her consumption increased to every other day. At the time she was working full-time, caring for her children and experiencing domestic violence. ...
Scarlett first tried ice in her early twenties but didn’t take it again for a couple of years. Then she started taking it with her partner every couple of months. After some time her consumption increased and she began taking ice with colleagues during the...
During her teens Renee smoked cannabis daily with her then partner. The relationship ended when she was in her early twenties and it was around this time that she began taking ecstasy and ice about once a month with friends. A few years later she...
When Zoe was in her late twenties, she began taking ice occasionally when enjoying a night out with friends on weekends. Over the next year, she started taking it more often, until it became part of her daily routine. She’s completed a home detox, attended...
In her teens Melanie began smoking cannabis daily and taking speed and ecstasy with friends. She soon started taking speed regularly, stopping during each of her pregnancies. In her early twenties she was arrested for shoplifting and court ordered to attend alcohol and other drug...
In his late teens Jason started taking ecstasy and speed every few weeks with his friends and partner at the time. Several years later he tried ice and began taking it about once a week with friends and sexual partners....
Eva first tried ice when she was a teenager with some friends, thinking it was speed. After that experience, she began taking ice recreationally and gradually her consumption increased until she was taking it every day and felt she had developed an ‘addiction’ it. On...
Ethan began taking various drugs with friends in his late teens. Over the next few years he began taking speed regularly and later ice. Looking back on his early thirties he now describes himself as having a ‘full-fledged addiction’ to ice....
Brad was prescribed a ‘mild’ stimulant by his doctor in his late teens and says he subsequently developed an ‘interest in stimulants’. In his twenties he began taking speed and drinking alcohol when going out with friends, and continued to do so regularly throughout his...
Dean began taking ice and GHB in his early twenties with sexual partners. He continued to take both regularly and after about two years he began to think he might have an ‘addiction’ to ice. In his early thirties, his family became aware of his...